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Daily Temperatures


Miami's November Weather: What to Expect

Daily Temperatures

November brings a slight cooling to Miami's temperatures. Daily highs start the month at a balmy 82°F (28°C) but gradually decrease by 3°F (1.7°C) to 79°F (26°C) by month's end. Overnight lows also decline, from 72°F (22°C) to 69°F (21°C).


November is one of Miami's drier months, with an average of only 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) of rainfall. However, it's still possible to experience occasional showers or thunderstorms, particularly during the early part of the month.


Humidity remains high throughout November, with average relative humidity ranging between 60% and 70%. This can make the air feel muggy and uncomfortable at times.


Wind speeds are generally light to moderate in November, with an average of 10-15 mph (16-24 km/h). However, strong winds can occur during thunderstorms or tropical storms.

Hurricane Season

November marks the end of hurricane season in Miami. While it's rare for hurricanes to form or make landfall during this month, it's still possible for tropical storms to occur.

What to Wear and Pack

For November weather in Miami, pack lightweight, breathable clothing such as cotton, linen, or moisture-wicking fabrics. Bring a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings. Also, pack a raincoat or umbrella for possible rain showers.

